Sunday, January 2, 2011

At 14, I thought I had the world worked out and that's the reason I attempted to take my life. From my perspective you finished school, then got a lifetime job. At 30, you had short back and sides, lived in the suburbs and had 2.5 kids. You retire at 65 and die 5 years later. I didn't see the point to this existence and I was going to do everything possible to change my destiny. I rebelled.

I got expelled from my very exclusive, very expensive boys school and 12 months later, got expelled from the only other school that would take me. To me it was no big deal, I just went out and got my first job...the first of many. The only reason I went to work, was so I could afford to party..and party hard. I figured I could party until I was 50, then go and get a job to pay my dues. It made sense to me, that to live life to the full, I had to start young !

In my youth, I joined the different gangs : surfers, skinheads, bikers etc.., but I soon realised I didn't belong in any of them. I didn't understand the group mentality of hating another bunch of people just because of what they wore or their mode of transport. I gravitated towards the older hippys, who didn't have a malicious bone in their skinny bodies...they just did a lot of drugs. I think I was about 16 when I had my first joint and since then I've had every drug known to man.

I have pointed out to my girls that my way of life did have it's pitfalls. I have never had a paid holiday, even though I've worked for near 40 years. I have very few material possessions and I've lived struggle street most of my adult life...but despite this, my kids are my best mates and I am proud that they survived, even prospered with a wildman of a father.

I will go into detail about the trials and tribulations that is my life, most of which I would never change, because it has made me who I am now.

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