Saturday, January 1, 2011

the fly

I've got off track to what I wanted to blog about. There are a lot of other bloggers out there, that are far more eloquent than me, when it comes to current events as in the church, refugee crisis etc.. The reason I blogged was to give my daughters and in future, my grandaughters, some idea of who I am and why I am the person I am today. No one else can do this, as it is my storey. Some stories, I hope you can laugh at as I do...others, you might question why you are friends with me.

"The fly".. About 20 years ago I went and visited a mate out at New Town. We were having a coffee in his kitchen, when a blowfly was buzzing around and annoying him. He got the flyspray out and chased the fly into a small room off the kitchen, spraying as he went. He just about emptied the can into this room and closed the door, with a very satisfied(smug) look on his face.

About 20 minutes later, having forgotten all about the annoying blowie, he went into the room to get something, then came back out and sat at the table. Sure enough the blowfly came back out and buzzed the kitchen for a few minutes until it flew over towards where we were sitting, then hovered about a foot above our heads. This fly hovered in the one turned and faced me, then turned and faced my mate, all the while hovering just above our heads. Then, as quick as a lightening bolt, the blowie flew into my mates neck, who of course jumped up with a scream holding his neck. The blowfly circled him and flew out the door. I laughed.!

Now think about it, because this really did happen. This blowfly, after surviving a can of flyspray in a closed room, remembered after at least 20 minutes who used the can on him, and also tried to hurt that person by flying into his neck. Bizarre !....but surely, doesn't this point to every living creature having a consciousness ?...memory...revenge...sound like human traits to me.

1 comment:

  1. I was living in a share house in Battery point and one of my housemates,Dianne, didn't like my cat. I suspected that she tormented the cat when I wasn't there.

    One day we were having a session in Dianne's room and my cat walked into the room, looked at me, looked at Dianne and then walked over to the open suitcase that Dianne was using as a wardrobe and pissed in it.

    As the cat was pissing in Dianne's suitcase she was staring straight at Di. When she finished she flicked her tail and casually walked out of the room.

    True story.
