Monday, December 13, 2010

religion part 1

I was bought up C of E, confirmed in the church and even read the lesson a few times. I was kicked out of an Anglican boys school and just to be fair, I got kicked out of a Catholic boys school. I'm not against church for those that want or need it, but I object if they start preaching to me. I certainly keep my hippy spiritual beliefs to myself,unless asked of course and I wish that bible thumpers would do the same. I actually admire the mormons that doornock, because of their dedication, and their willingness to walk away after they have been told you're not interested.

My ex mother in law was a bible bashing, happy clappy priest. She told me to my face that I was evil because I had a couple of Budda ornaments around the house !! She even derided other Christians because they weren't members of her 'born again' church. I wont even mention what she thought of muslims. I have met a lot of people like her, from all faiths, that claim their religion, or their church is the only way to god. What a load of bullshit ! We are all horrified and scared of radical muslims, but what is the difference to the radical christians?

I live by my own moral code, which is above the law and the 10 commandments. Thankfully there are a lot of similarities, but not all. "Honor your father and mother" is crap. Not a problem when your parents are ok, but how many parents are responsible for abuse in all its forms, and yet the church preaches honor. I wont even go down the path of the abusing priests!! "Keep the sabbath day holy"...yeah sure...which day is that again and to which religion?

Many years later, a bloke called Jesus gave us a summary of the commandments in Mathew 22.."love the the Lord your God with all your heart and soul" and "love your neighbour as yourself". Now this makes a bit of sense...share the love people..and I don't mean the physical.

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