Thursday, December 23, 2010

santa is a lie

About 25 years ago, my step-daughter, who was about 7 or 8, came home from school and asked if santa was real. Like most parents, I assured her that he was, trying to keep her innocent as long as possible. The next day, she came home from school in tears. Her class mates had teased and humiliated her about still believing in Father Christmas. She told me that she would never believe a word I said again!

To this day, I have never told a lie to my kids. I have avoided some questions, but when asked point blank, they get the truth. As they got older, they learnt not to ask questions they didn't want the answer to, and as I got older, the truth lost a lot of its sugar coating. In the early days I would tell them that the spirit of Christmas was real, which it is. People are joyous and loving.... complete strangers wish you a Merry Christmas.

These days without the coating...the Christmas you girls know was invented by Coca Cola, kids arn't allowed to sit on santas knee,incase he's a pervert, the family get-togethers will usually end in arguments because of too much alcohol and there are more suicides at this time of the year than any other. Parents over spend, which gives them stress and anxiety on how they are going to pay for it, kids get greedy because they get so much....and on and on and on...

Ho Ho Ho....enjoy the "spirit" of Christmas

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